If I say it's safe to surf this beach, Captain, then it's safe to surf this beach!
In the form of gardenias . . .
Remember Apocalypse Now? Kilgore says, "you either surf or you fight." Fucking Kilgore. What a ham . . . Kurtz would have been interested in him, but wouldn't've taken him on board. He was too ostentatious, too showy. Fuck off, Kilgore. Leave me alone. Go away. Go surf.
With no forwarding address to trace them.
Talked the other day with dear sister Karyn. About The Road, mostly - she just read it. We also talked about the house we spent our childhood in. A beautiful, architecturally nourishing space; a three dimensional jigsaw puzzle, put together just so. Her bedroom, we reminisced, fearlessly explored a powerful Raggedy Ann motif. Mine had fuzzy-animal wallpaper.
A note on fame.
I listen and read, and I have to ask - who cannot relate to Britney Spears's situation? Compassless and wild, she's trying to break out of her machine. She's at last becoming interesting, no longer just amusing or entertaining. A cartoonish, real-time morality play is being acted out through her. It'll probably use her up before it's done - it maybe already has - and it seems reckless to unheed it's warning and graceless to mock her example.