Sushi is a cult
I first became aware that sushi was a cult sometime in the late 90s. It's a cult because people are forever trying to get you to join. Sushi-cult members begin to act strange when you tell them you don't like sushi. Watch them. They go into automatic-recruitment mode.
If you didn't like, say, sandwiches, nobody would look at you and say, "What!? You don't like... Oh my god. All right, that's it - I'm making you a pet project of mine. We are going to go out for sandwiches this weekend. You'll see. This Saturday, after bowling we'll go, we'll all go. You'll see." You can picture them shaking their head at you. "Uh," they'd say as they look heavenward, "I can't believe you don't like sandwiches!"
No, they'd probably go, "Really? You don't like sandwiches? Huh, that's weird. Okay, so we won't go out for sandwiches then."