A good idea at the time.
Borges was my author of choice for traveling around the Netherlands. I carried Ficciones with me for days, but only actually read from it during the flights over. Borges is a monster, a master of labyrinths, and I can't get my mind around him yet.
There are three types of being in Solaris:
1. Solaris itself
2. the humans
3. the visitors
The visitors bridge the otherwise unbreachable gap between Solaris and the humans. The visitors are not "half-human + half-Solaris", which would maybe feel a little cheap: they are something altogether else, a third thing, the offspring of the other two, with their own perspectives and acting from their own beliefs.
Solaris these days often seems like a meditation on threeness, e.g.:
1. Chris
2. Rheya
3. Ryeha's double
Reconciliation more than once arises out of longstanding dichotomies. The existential situation itself is no longer the simple yes or no of life v. death. For a limited time, if you act now, there is a third option, but only if you want it badly enough. Or if you happen to be George Clooney. Operators are standing by...
Markandwanda have recently read the book by Lem, so that may be next.
Something I found amusing, the 20th Century Fox online store suggests that if you enjoyed Solaris, you may want to consider purchasing Daredevil or possibly The Day After Tomorrow, which are apparently similar to Solaris in some way which is currently obscure to me. Maybe for those of us who enjoy watching movies with the letter "R" in the title?
Catching up at La Fonda and making music with Mark last night. LBC tonight.