You say it's your birthday...
The rest of the birthday weekend:
Friday I took off from work. Visited Dr. Bombay's in the morning for iced espresso and conversationalizing with L, then I got the Camry's emissions tested while she went shopping for clothes (for her) for Saturday.
Later in the afternoon I got some writing done while L began reading Solaris in the next room.
And I met my new neighbor! A 28 year old nanny, she officially moves into the back of the Nunnery July 1, but will begin bringing her things over in the next few days.
L: Is she cute...?
Sabitathica: Yeah, sort of.
L: How cute?
Sabitathica: On what are we talking about, like a scale of 1 to 10?
L: Yeah.
Sabitathica: I don't know, like a fourteen?
L: (groan) Oh great, thanks. (pause) So, where am I on that scale?
Sabitathica: Hey, are you hungry? Let's go to R. Thomas. I'm dying for their french toast.
And so we did. I apparently went one Banana Boy Toy too far and my stomach was mad at me for the rest of the night. Back to the Nunnery to watch The Ten before sleep. Good, lighthearted fun.
Saturday, the birthday proper, began with a balloon ride, which you already know about.
There was a fun photo session in the afternoon following a powernap and some phone call birthday wishes. There were lots and lots of happy birthday wishes: email, phone, personal, etc. Good times.
Dinner at the famous Carroll Street Cafe where I had the duck special and L and I shared a very fine bottle of cherry wine.
And we stopped at the corner store to buy some champagne, which we drank on the porch overlooking the back yard at dusk.
A great, great birthday.
Sunday we walked to Gato Bizco for a breakfast which was just okay. The food was too heavy, and plus there was a screaming child in the house, screaming louder than you're even picturing right now. Oh, and Dr. Bombay's espresso machine was out of order. Which might all make the morning sound worse than it really was. But redemption is a real event and things quickly became more pleasant when we walked to the Frazer Center and hung out in the garden, which was beautiful as usual.