Saturday, April 26, 2008

Good luck at the bad timing awards.

Whiteball this afternoon: faculty and administration v. students. We played to points, 30 to the half. The students stole it 60-59. I haven't played basketball in over twenty years. I haven't even held a basketball since then. So why was I playing full-court basketball against kids half my age today? Aren't I sore? How did this happen?

C, violin instructor and chair of the string department, asked me:

C: So, tell me... have you ever played basketball?
S: Yeah, sure, when I was like 16.

and the next thing I know my name is on fliers posted all around the music school.

I wikipedia'd basketball before I went to the University rec center this afternoon. I also had to do a search to find out where the rec center even is.

From wikipedia I learned that most basketball players are both younger and taller than I am. I also saw a picture of the first basketball court. I love wikipedia.

And yes, I'm sore.