Friday, October 31, 2008

Hallowe'en dream

Last night I dreamt I was with Mr. G on an expedition to a place covered with snow and ice. We spent significant time together before I struck out on my own to buy new shoes.

Driving back on a mountain road, I miscalculated and my car slid on the ice and spilled sideways over a cliff. The car turned slowly as it tumbled, allowing me to see how high up I was.

It was a drop of maybe 1500-2000 feet, and I knew I wasn't going to make it. I remember thinking how sometimes small mistakes can lead to severe consequences, cause and effect apparently incommensurate (a defining characteristic of what's known in math as an unstable equilibrium), and I wondered briefly if I would experience any pain on impact.

But I made myself not panic. I took my hands off the wheel and folded my arms across my chest. Everything plummeted, still and calm, and there was no sound. My last moments were spent composing myself and sending good wishes to family and friends.