Thursday, January 8, 2009

They probably use sonar

Caught the 7:00 showing of The Curious Case of Benjamin Button tonight with L. I like David Fincher, especially Fight Club and Zodiac, but I don't know how I feel about this new one. Strangely, everybody I've talked to has the same three things to say:

1. It's long - it's almost three hours long - but it didn't feel long, you know what I mean?
2. It kind of reminded me of Forest Gump.
3. I can't believe how they made Brad Pitt look so old/young!

I get suspicious when everybody gives me the same opinion, verbatim, down to the very phrasing. This happened with The Dark Knight too. Everybody I talked to said the same things. Here's what they say every time, with my responses:

Q. What do you mean you didn't like it? It was awesome!
A. No, it wasn't. It was sloppy. And retarded. And it was made by cynical people who think you're dumb.

Q. But don't you think Heath Ledger was amazing? He totally became the Joker! It's like he got so deeply into the character that he died!
A. Listen to yourself. That doesn't make sense. But yeah, he was fine. He did his job. No need to gush.

Q. Well, okay. It wasn't perfect. I mean Batman's voice was kind of irritating. (They imitate Batman's voice.) It was hard to understand what he was saying.
A. Mm hmm. Yeah.


After the movie, L & I parked in the driveway of the Nunnery and debriefed. After a minute we saw a possum walk in front of the car.

Sabitathica: Hey, watch this. Did you know that possums are blind? (I flash the car headlights at the possum several times. It doesn't react.) See? Blind.
L: (looks doubtful)
Sabitathica: Heh, but I bet if I make a noise, it'll run away. Watch this. (I open and close the car door loudly. The possum still doesn't react.)
L: (looks at me questioningly)
Sabitathica: Huh. That's weird. I guess they're deaf, too. I didn't know that. I wonder how they navigate...
L: (shakes her head and looks at me like maybe I don't know as much about possums as I think I do.)