Friday, August 13, 2010

The Visitor

Number Six's visit was a right creative time. He likes to work efficiently for extended periods, which is always nice, and something which happened several times during his stay.

On Saturday we ate at the now-even-more-famous Carrol Street Cafe before heading right back to the Nunnery for a several hours long seed-sowing recording session.

Any questions?

The recording session rollicked and veered dangerously from Yer Blues and two Rolling Stones songs to a strange new version of The Satyrical Way, and even to some good-times recitation of Aristotle explaining how to respond to the critics of poetry, read in a continuum of different outrageous theatrical accents, over crosspicked bass. Very 22nd century.

Dinner was my favorite by L, from a recipe by Luba Gurdjieff.

A virtual social event followed with Number Six, L, and myself in the Nunnery, and Vlindinhauer Haverhast joining us via computerly magic from the nghbts 1000 mile away. We even played a version of The Narrow Way Part III together. Good times.