Tuesday, August 7, 2007

Niels Bohr said,

"How wonderful that we have met with a paradox. Now we have some hope of making progress."

It's real fucking hot here. There's a heat advisory for this area. This afternoon John from Slice told me temperatures are supposed to be in the upper nineties here through the end of the month.

I'm listening to Shuggie Otis, funk guitar cynosure. His voice conjures Michael Franks in a younger day; his guitar playing is, in some alternate universe, what Prince's guitar would have sounded like were he, Prince, to have taken psilocybin in, say, 1983. As it is, Shuggie was doing this in 1974. If there's not enough sweet beautiful funk in your life these days, you should download Inspiration Information immediately. It's Bill Withers channeling Dr. Seuss, swear to god. Thank me later.

And Saturday last was dear sister Karyn's birthday. She and I talked for over an hour on Friday, with me uploading news from the Nunnery. She and my sweet goddaughter are well. Karyn is two years older than me which must make her, let's see . . . thirty-three, I believe.

Rashid, I bought another, so keep the one you've got.

And welcome back, Team Amsterdam. Hope the trip was productive.