Saturday, August 18, 2007

The sky is breaking

Asked to guess, I'd say temperatures today were in the low nineties, which comes, believe it or not, as a big fucking relief. And there was a breeze too, which. . . you just can't imagine what it's been like here. But the stultifyingly static weather finally broke yesterday afternoon as Bedlam inched its way across a pressure front. It's still hot as fiery hell, but currently overcast, so for the moment we're no longer directly under the fat old eye of the sun.

I woke this morning at 06:00 exactly and, not for lack of trying, couldn't re-enter sleep. This is not unusual. The gods of sleeping late do not smile upon me, my friend. Their ways are mysterious and occult and I am afraid their dark logic confounds me.

I purchased a haircut at Salon Red this morning at 09:30 before engaging my Saturday usual at Gato's Sweltering Nuclear Furnace Oven Emporium. Of Hell. And the obligatory iced-coffee from Dr. Bombay's found me returning on foot to the Nunnery where I began the recording portion of my day.

I'm currently borrowing a Moog from makandwanda and finding it endlessly fascinating. I've always wanted one but couldn't afford, so I'm making this opportunity count. Oh, and Mark dropped off a cd I requested of reference recordings to aid me in my writing. We're learning how to work together.

Slice last night after hours with my boyz, Rashid and Jason, with Joe behind the bar. J. & J. had to leave, but R. and I stayed for a while, conversationalizing with the new barista and rocking to Shuggie and Sabbath on the jukebox. :()*

*Why do I not know the smiley-text symbol equivalent of death-metal devil horns? I imagine I would feel adrift in a world where such a symbol did not exist. Until I discover one, this will have to do.

And my god, what a fucking week this has been, work-wise. And there's no reason to expect next week will be any better. Fall semester begins Monday.

Take the leap and never waver.