Blue Velvet
Blue Velvet played at the Plaza last night. L hadn't seen it so I took her along. A very good viewing overall, though the audience was a little rowdy for my taste.
Audiences tend to be at odds with the event they purport to support. I can think of three audiences I've been in which were in synch with their performance, not somehow struggling against it.
For example, last night's audience was oh-so hip and cynical, forever laughing at things which weren't intended to be funny. So busy being ironic they apparently forgot to experience the film.
But then there's this:
A pastoral print we saw in an antique bookshop in Dahlonega of a man and woman talking, possibly flirting, by a tree ...

when one of them (it's unclear which one) decides to drop the bomb that they harbor a secret desire to be more similar to our equine friends.

A real conversation-stopper, that one. How do you respond when you realize you're in a dadaist pr0n story?