Thursday, February 25, 2010

These are music auditions. The drama auditions are in another building...

I received a threatening email from an unstable prospective music student this afternoon. This prospective music student has failed his three previous auditions. He wants to be allowed to audition again this Monday, March 1st, but he applied three weeks after the deadline and unfortunately won't be able to. [This is not a big deal. Normally when this happens, the applicant accepts responsibility for missing the deadline and I try to arrange a special audition for them later in the semester. No loss. For whatever reason, this young man chose a different approach.] What follows is an excerpt from his aggressive email, the first contact (written or verbal) I've had with him.

[...] respond to this email within the next 24 hrs, if not I will re-send it to you. I will continue do so until March 5th which is a more than reasonable time for you to respond. If I do not receive any feedback between now and March 5th, I will have no choice but to seek action which includes filing a formal complaint with university, notifying my lawyer to seek possible legal action and notifying local news outlets to raise awareness of my situation as well as any other unjust actions that are being and/or have been committed against students in similar situations. Again, my goal is to seek a simple solution to this problem and avoid a big legal debacle or cause any kind unwanted trouble. We are all adults here I believe we can discuss this matter as such.
An avoider of trouble and seeker of simple solutions if ever I've met one. True, as long as trouble = "not getting what I want" and simple = "inappropriately forceful". I've been the target of a few crazy people before and it's not pleasant.