Saturday, October 31, 2009

Blood Mountain IV: Revenge of the Blood King

The cabin has come equipped with a haunted hot tub, viz:

After some debate, we decided to sample the hot tub, thereby putting at risk the haleness of our hearts and the sanity of our very souls.

Or so we thought. It turns out it was actually pretty nice. The air was chilly and the rain was misting down everywhere around us.


And then we heard it: the sound of a nearby gunshot.

Terrifying. We took a minute to make sure we were physically fine, and then, once more in command of our senses, we began to wonder: who would want to shoot at us... and miss?

There really are no good answers to that question, so we came back inside.

We're now listening to Kindhearted Woman Blues on the autumn playlist, waiting, praying for the nightmare to end...