Sunday, December 27, 2009

Transitive closure

From Bob's Famous Muffin Shop we drove to the theater to see Up in the air. L was the youngest person in the theater, I was the second youngest. The 80-something year old woman in the front row was the third youngest. And there were probably fifty more people in the theater. Geriatric queasiness aside, I'm not sure how much I enjoyed the film. The trailer hinted at beautiful cinematography, but there wasn't much of that beyond the opening credits.


A very pleasant dinner with family. The oversight with L's stocking was righted. All is well.


I began and soon ceased reading The Doomsday Book, which is a tedious and terrible piece of writing.

I hereby invent the word "quit-lit" to denote any book which must not be read to completion. I will be bringing it back to the Nunnery so I might hurl it into a fireplace for use as kindling. Boring, tedious kindling.


Hopefully this coming decade will see all the baseball players who were banished from the MLB for using performance-enhancing drugs organize their own league where such drugs are not only permissible, they are mandatory.

This will be Mutant League Baseball and will hopefully be played inside large cages. No more home-runs. No more ground-rule doubles. No more players under eleven-feet tall. Hopefully other sports will follow suit, thereby becoming somewhat less boring.

The path toward Super-humanity will be forged, at least physically, by Earth's athletes. I say remove the shackles and let them forge.