Sunday, February 24, 2008

Neutral Spectator's Inertia Syndrome

Went to see There Will Be Blood, the longest movie in history tonight with Laurel and Tim. Good times, good times. And then back here for drinks and conversation. DD-L is a good leading man, but the story arc was a little too soap-operatic for me. Like, just when things can't possibly get worse, the long lost twin brother shows up ...or is he? The storytelling style is narrative-heavy and does not truck with the "beauty-through-simplicity-of-form" school.

Drinks with Cassandra Thursday, time with Lily Friday. Exile on Main St. rocks.

Remember back last year at this time? An information-dense time. Lots of things going on, weren't there? One of which, and maybe the first that springs to your mind, was the world premiere of that film Josh made: The Now Today Society: The End. Remember that? It was the first world premiere to feature footage of people viewing video of themselves watching the world premiere, I'm guessing. And it sort of happened again.

This year there was lots of video from the northern holidays. Of The Narrow Way, of dinner New Year's Eve, of absinthe toasts, and of lighting fireworks down the jetty. On multiple cameras, hours and hours of it, all cleverly and creatively edited together by Josh. And viewed at a distance. It may even be better than last year's.

In other news, I don't sleep anymore, which is something that I guess is just the way things are now. My body crashed last weekend while successfully fighting off a nasty bug. In some ways I feel as good as I've ever felt, healthy and robust, but this sleeplessness is strange. My body's tempos are changing.

I'm listening now to Fox Confessor Brings the Flood.