Sunday, February 3, 2008

They put weights down in your coattails to burn you out...

Auditions yesterday went well. Awake before the squirrels and birds, I was organizing things at the Rialto long before sunup.

My afterwork began at Sidebar with Laurel. We were joined by Rashid, JB, and Spank. And J stopped by for a minute too. They all fell away, alone or in twos and it was me and L until past midnight. We bounced to Slice for a late dinner, tennish. A good night.

Seated on my right at Sidebar was Pastor Pierce from Vermont, in town for a convention of pastors. We talked a bit, he and I. A highlight, from him: They can't do anything about Abu Ghraib, so they're trying to get something on Belichick.

Oh, and L managed to lock my keys in my office, don't ask how. Who was it said it's women's jobs to cause problems, so men have something to do? Or did I just make that up? Anyway, tons of fun.