Saturday, May 23, 2009

Carcassonne: it's like whiskey!

There are many shops and restaurants within the walls of Carcassonne.

The shops were all open; the restaurants, not so much.

We were hungry so we asked people at various restaurants about the possibility of exchanging euros for food. But we were told always the same thing: we aren't serving food now. This, despite the fact that there were always people sitting down inside.

So I asked someone where we might find a restaurant that was open. He pointed across the street and said: "that one's open".

Full of hope, though in retrospect probably somewhat naively, we crossed the street. Were they open? No, they were not. When would they be open? In forty-five minutes. Okay ... may we sit down and have a drink while we wait for you to open? We receive a funny look and a slow nod. We sit down.

This conversation took place in a patchwork of English and French:

Owner: Have you decided what you want to drink?
Sabitathica (consulting the drink menu): Yes. We'll have some Armagnac.
Owner (begins to look concerned): Um ... (he grows quiet) ... I'll be right back ...

Ten minutes pass. The owner returns.

Owner: I am sorry, but we have no Armagnac.
Sabitathica: Really? You don't have any Armagnac? In France?
Owner: No, I'm sorry. We have none.
Sabitathica: Okay. That's all right. (consulting the drink menu again) We'll just ... um ... we'll have some Calvados.
Owner: We are out of Calvados.
Sabitathica: You're out of Calvados?
Owner: Yes, there is no Calvados.
Sabitathica: Okay ... what about Cognac then? Do you have any Cognac?
Owner: No.
Sabitathica: No, you don't have any Cognac? Seriously? All these things are on the menu. So ... then ... what do you have to drink here?
Owner: We have something that is like whiskey.
Sabitathica: Something like whiskey? But ... is it whiskey? No, don't answer that, I don't want to know. It's okay. We'll try it.
Owner: It's very strong.
Sabitathica: That's okay. We'll take it.
Owner: It has a kick.
Sabitathica: Yes, good. Two, please.

Our glasses of the whiskey-like drink:

It did have a kick ...