Wednesday, January 27, 2010


Tonight I'm in Savannah - a four-hour drive from Bedlam - for a three-day music education conference which begins tomorrow. I arrived an hour ago, unpacked, moved some things around, adjusted the lighting, sent a few messages, and took a photo of the room.

Any questions?

I'll do my best not to belabor this subject, but if you know anything at all about Sabitathica, then you surely know that conferences, music educational or otherwise, are not his natural environment. Conferences, music educational or otherwise, cause Sabitathica's ardor to wither and wane.


My Great Aunt Rose (my maternal grandmother's brother's wife) died Friday. She was good-humored and gracious. I never saw her in a sour mood, never heard her say an unkind word. She was ninety-seven. Memento mori.