Friday, January 29, 2010

We're not programs, GERTY, we're people.

My morning commute across the Eugene Talmadge Memorial Bridge...

... and my evening commute back again:

The in-between was filled with soul-wincingly mindless grind.

The best part about being here is seeing people I haven't seen in a long time, sometimes years. The highlight in this department has been Jillian and Whitney, both of whom were regulars in my office back in the day. Two genuine, lovely people. A real pleasure to talk to.


The hotel Hilton's hallway carpet, because I know you care:

The view from my window:

Savannah trees, no. 1 - the larch:


I recently remembered how much I used to like listening to SomaFM back in the early 00's. They've got more stations now (18) than they did then (4).

I'm back in the hotel, writing to you and listening to the "Mission Control" station, described as "live NASA shuttle and historic mission broadcasts mixed with electronic ambient." Good times.