Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Shoe bomb

Josh has not tried to kill me yet. Which isn't to say I'm completely at my ease. There have been threats of violence. For instance, here's an IM exchange from a few days before we came here:

Josh: I read your blog.
Sabitathica: uh oh.
Josh: Yeah, you're history pal.
Sabitathica: yeah, but now if I go missing, people will know who's to blame, so... heh.
Josh: I'm gonna take us both out.
Sabitathica: oh.
Josh: Two words.
Sabitathica: ?
Josh: Shoe bomb
Sabitathica: omg
Josh: http://upload.wikimedia.org/wikipedia/commons/d/d1/Richard_reid.jpg

But since we've been in the Netherlands it's been things like this:

Josh: I should take a bike ride like that every day...
Sabitathica (probably engaged in an activity which doesn't involve listening to Josh too closely): Mmm hmm.
Josh: Or every other day, maybe.
Sabitathica: Good times, good times.
Josh: For a few years.
Sabitathica: And then what would happen? After a few years?
Josh: I'd be ready.
Sabitathica: (pause) For what?
Josh: For the apocalypse.
Sabitathica: Oh, good grief.
Josh: I want to be able to rip people's heads off with my bare hands and stuff. And crush their skulls. And I want to be able to turn their bones into weapons that I can use to kill everyone they know and cook their flesh and eat it and become even stronger.

So I think everything's going to be okay. He's absolutely got a thing about killing people in general - lots of people - but I don't think it has anything to do with me specifically.

All's well that ends well...