Monday, April 27, 2009

as many as the lives of men...

In a staff meeting today, after talking about George Zinkhan, the University of Georgia marketing professor who allegedly murdered his wife and two men, the conversation turned to our guitar instructor, who while riding his bike was hit by a car and even though he crushed the windshield somehow walked away unharmed:

D: It just goes to show, this is not a bicycle friendly city.
J: Or pedestrian friendly for that matter.
H: Or car friendly.
D: Or friendly.

Yes, sometimes.

On the topic of time management, Richard Anderson, chief executive of Delta Air Lines, said in an interview for the Times on 25 April: only touch paper once.

On the phone with L and talking about the burgeoning swinefluenza epidemic, she said the virus causes "death-like symptoms". Oh no!

Listening now to Gustav Leonhardt play Scarlatti harpsichord sonatas. Current sonata is in D minor, the saddest of all keys.

Hell yes.