For the first time today ...
It was warmer today outside than in, so L & I went for a walk
to the Robert L. Staton memorial rose garden:
The RLSMRG is a ten minute walk from the Nunnery. Along the way we saw swings in trees
delivery trucks
and littermuck.
The RLSMRG is beautiful.
For some reason many of the benches were lacking some of their parts, viz:
Tiny placards spoke of roses not currently in bloom and named apparently to honor the memory of solo records of former members of the Pink Floyd:
Others portended the creation of horticultural Frankensteins:
And some were named after my birthsign:
Which was fitting, as L had already noted that there was a sense that my extended 40th birthday had begun this weekend.
We ate later at R. Thomas where the food is excellent and where frogs of concrete and tile sit atop moistened leaf sculptures.
L said several times today that this was the best day of her life. Good times.