Monday, April 13, 2009


An Easter Sunday walk around Candler Park:





The swings at the park:


Environmental defacement, a.k.a. green graffiti:




Easter culvert:




Lawn swan (drawn):



Pitcher plants:


Pitcher plants look like cobras:


A B, C?


The rules: all pets must be on a leash, except there's an image of a pet on a leash with a diagonal red line through it.


A dogwood on the next street over:



This weekend:

Visited the amnemonic chiropractor Friday after work

Recorded eight new pieces with L on Saturday. Dressed them up Sunday afternoon

Cupid got some shots

L & I had some shots (of tequila)

Easter brunch with L at the famous Carroll Street Cafe

Easter Quaker meeting

Spoke with family

An installment of the ongoing Sunday Reading Project with L

Watched Solaris (Soderberg) for the first time in a while, an exploration of grief, devotion, identity, and loss, in muted greys and blues.

Many strange dreams, including:

* leading a small group in singing Those Were the Days (the theme from All In the Family), including Jean Stapleton's shrill "... and you knew who you WERE then". This took place in the bathroom of an otherwise deserted hotel, which upon waking reminded me of The Shining.

* being asked to play bass for a large jazz ensemble, led by a jazz pianist I know. The chart she gave me to read from was printed in a notation I was not familiar with on a crumpled page torn from a magazine. It didn't much matter that I couldn't understand the chart because she quickly dimmed the lights to near total darkness and I couldn't see it anyway. I spent the next part of the dream in better lighting, transcribing the strange "notes" onto regular paper, making them legible while the ensemble expressed their impatience.

* seeing my old roommate, living with me again after a hiatus, only now as a black man, and putting long, blond extensions in his (short, black) hair.


Today is dark and rainy with 35 mph gusts of wind, and I'm now listening to the first This Mortal Coil record.