Wednesday, November 4, 2009

Life in music-prison

Auditions are Friday, so music-prison is keeping me busy these days.

I've secured a string trio of double bass, cello, and viola to perform first thing in the morning, which I'm looking forward to.

And in my spare time I enjoy lite-jazz, piƱa coladas, and long walks on the beach.

Actually I don't, but I did enjoy some early Twilight Zone episodes last week. I got to see the first episode I ever saw, back when I was eleven or so, "It's a Good Life," which is the one about the six-year old boy with the ability to read minds, turn people into Jacks-in-the-box, and "wish them into the cornfield". Terrifying. It also somehow reminds me of a woman I once dated...

Anyway, the University is offering fewer classes from now on because of the great green global financial meltdown. So some music-convicts are unable to take the classes they need to graduate, which causes them to feel frustrated, and sometimes they foam at the mouth and their arms fall off.

And sometimes they call me on my cellphone "because they don't know my office number". You know who you are. Which mostly I don't mind really, except when they're foaming at the mouth and it becomes hard to understand what they're saying.


This installment of the Sabitathiblog has been brought to you with gracious blessings from the strange and glorious King Friday XIII, who nobody should even think of wishing away to the cornfield.

All hail King Friday!