Sunday, November 29, 2009

There's a strong streak of good in you, Superman. But then nobody's perfect...

I bought the first four Superman movies for $10.00. We're watching them in order and are halfway through Superman II now. Some observations:

* It's strange to see Brando unimpressive.

* I guess I need someone to explain to me how a fragment of Superman's home planet can kill him when he gets close to it.
* I can believe reversing Earth's rotation would affect many things - I'm picturing tsunamis, earthquakes, lots of general mayhem and every living thing destroyed - but I'm pretty sure it wouldn't make time go backwards. But then, I'm not a science doctor.
* Christopher Reeve's easy likableness shines through everything he does. Margot Kidder, less so.
* I forgot Mario Puzo wrote I and II. I hadn't realized "General Zod" was Terence Stamp. Whoa...

* Every copy of Lois Lane's "can you read my mind?" scene should have been destroyed before it was unleashed upon an innocent and unsuspecting world.
* The claim "I never lie" is a stretch for anyone who maintains a secret identity.


November, the most personally difficult month I've had in at least a year, and probably closer to two, is almost over.