Friday, November 13, 2009

Topicless and snubbed...

In my most commonly recurring dream I'm back at Hampshire, trying to finish my Division III. Under normal circumstances, a Division III takes about a year to complete, but in these dreams mine is due in a week and I haven't even chosen a topic yet.

I recently had this dream again - in fact it was the night following the "horrific, violent" dream we spoke about recently. But things were different this time around. Normally in this dream Hampshire itself is sunny and beautiful, and I'm very happy to be back there. This time it was different: overpopulated and over-commercialized, and the people were all bumping into me and snubbing me and going out of their way to make me feel unwelcome.

I went to the office of my old college advisor but he wasn't in. Instead, his office was overpopulated with students who snubbed me and went out of their way to make me feel uncomfortable.


In more cheerful news, I'm working with Number Six on a long-distance musical project. More on this later.