Friday, December 26, 2008


Christmas Eve was spent with family and the annual Chinese take-out ritual. Then drinks at the Abington Ale House with Vlindinhauer, and Vlindinhauer's wife and mother.

Christmas was nice. As L suggested to me on the phone yesterday, I like my Christmases like I like my air-travel: uneventful.

Christmas night I went with Josh (a.k.a. Tech Support; a.k.a. Map Quest; a.k.a. Fishsticks), to Quincy, the city of my birth, for drinks at an Irish bar, the only place open. There was an extrovert there, aspiring to become a 30-year old yuppie stereotype, lying to himself about his place in the world, being generally loud and yelling at sports on the tv, who got a little snippy with me over my song choice on the jukebox (Let There Be More Light by Pink Floyd in 1968). But he lost a bit of his steam when spoken to directly.

This was followed by several late-night phone conversations with L, who is house-sitting for me while I'm away but can't fall asleep in my bed without me. And apparently my house has lost heat again.

Favorite Christmas gift 2008: a beautiful photo album, compiled and decorated by my wonderniece, bearing thoughtful witness to all the many good times:
