Monday, January 29, 2007


All right. I don't care who you are, or what you do, or what you wear. I don't care how luminous you are. I don't even care what music you sing along to when you're alone inside your car. The truth is, wherever you may be right now, whatever temperature it is there, it's colder here. A lot colder.

As we discussed earlier, I have a low threshold for any sort of heat-recession or heat-starvation. Atlanta's like what, only 35 degrees latitude? And it's officially uninhabitable today. Like Mars, but you know, with plumbing and air. Cold plumbing and air.

I think I read somewhere that science was going to build a giant dome over the earth, so the whole planet can finally be indoors and we can control the weather. In the future you can rotate a dial on your bedroom wall and North America will get a couple degrees warmer.