You've got tombs in your eyes, but the songs you punched are dreamy. . .
The Nunnery
4:00 PM
Just got in from a 1:10 showing of Night at the Museum with Michelle, sans her husband. Sabitathica's official review: 'It was kind of like Doctor Zhivago, only different'.
I injured my back yesterday, doing absurdly little. Around T4 or T5, so it's hard for me to get to. A few years ago I was both a) dating my chiropractor and b) living with a massage therapist. Sweet, huh? Through osmosis alone, I learned much about how my spine works. Plus the fact that I was studying to be a teacher of the Alexander Technique before I accepted my current job. The problem is though, I can't reach T4/T5 with enough leverage to adjust myself. Anybody who knows something about how to fix backs is welcome to give it a shot.
Last night I was over at Rashid's. We ordered a pizza and watched the first two hours of the new season of 24. It was okay. Kind of like Belle de Jour, only different. After it was over, I asked R to follow my instructions and try to adjust my back. He did a very good job, but it wasn't ready yet. I'm still in discomfort.
Oh, and a tree hit my house this afternoon. Swear to god. It's mostly on my neighbor's house, but it's a little bit on the Nunnery. I saw it when I got home just now. It's leaning against the roof of my porch, nothing broken that I could see. I suppose I should go try to lift it off the porch roof but, have you heard? I injured my back.
4:42 PM
I'm going outside now to have a look at that uprooted tree, so I'm going to love you and leave you with this photograph. I took it at Vlindinhauer's months ago, at sunup.